Report No. 19, October 1992
Description | Paragraphs |
Advances : Expenditure on Vietnamese migrants | 1.1 - 1.3 |
City and New Territories Administration - Management of community centres and community halls under the community building programme | 2.1 - 2.27 |
Customs and Excise Department - Transportation, storage and disposal of seized and detained goods | 3.1 - 3.15 |
Government Property Agency - Delays in occupying premises for Government, Institution and Community purposes at the Whampoa Dockyard redevelopment | 4.1 - 4.16 |
Government Property Agency - Redevelopment of the Oil Street site presently occupied by the Government Supplies Department's headquarters and storage depot | 5.1 - 5.27 |
Social Welfare Department - Old Age Allowance | 6.1 - 6.12 |
Treasury - Internal audit activities in government departments | 7.1 - 7.7 |
Works Branch - The Formula Price Adjustment System | 8.1 - 8.15 |
Works Branch - Marine disposal of contaminated mud | 9.1 - 9.18 |
Highways Department - Reprovisioning of ferry piers in Kwun Tong | 10.1 - 10.16 |
Housing Department - Delay in paying land cost of domestic flats constructed and sold under the Home Ownership Scheme | 11.1 - 11.3 |
Housing Department - Overtime work by the Foreman and Workman grades staff | 12.1 - 12.17 |
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