Report No. 29, October 1997
Description | Chapter |
Education and Manpower Bureau - Home financing and use of senior staff quarters in UGC-funded institutions | 1 |
Finance Bureau - Defence costs under the 1988 Defence Costs Agreement | 2 |
Health and Welfare Bureau, Finance Bureau and Hospital Authority - The implementation of the Information Technology/Information Systems Strategy of the Hospital Authority | 3 |
Health and Welfare Bureau, Social Welfare Department, Inland Revenue Department and Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority - Monitoring of charities : fund-raising and tax allowances | 4 |
Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau and Environmental Protection Department - The monitoring and control of air pollution | 5 |
Security Bureau, Health and Welfare Bureau, Fire Services Department, Auxiliary Medical Services and Hospital Authority - The provision of ambulance service | 6 |
Trade and Industry Bureau, Education and Manpower Bureau and Industry Department - The Government's funding schemes for promoting technology development in industry | 7 |
Government Property Agency, Home Affairs Department and Social Welfare Department - The provision of accommodation for government use | 8 |
Housing Department - Follow-up review of squatter control operations | 9 |
Inland Revenue Department - Enforcement activities of the Field Audit Group |
10 |
Social Welfare Department - Neighbourhood level community development projects | 11 |
Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau and Buildings Department - The grant of hotel concessions by the Building Authority | 12 |
Works Bureau - The provision of liquidated damages in works contracts | 13 |
Post Office Trading Fund - Cost management of mail services | 14 |
Urban Council - Urban Council public markets | 15 |
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